WiserTogether Return to Health Platform Capability Drives Adoption of Health and Wellness Programs
The new version of the Return to Health Platform by WiserTogether connects users to key wellness programs and services driving increased enrollment and utilization.
The Return to Health platform is a web and mobile based treatment information and guidance program enabling healthcare consumers to find the most effective and appropriate treatments and recommendations, resulting in lower clinical costs, increased compliance with best practices, and faster recovery times.
The WiserTogether (@WiserTogether) Return to Health Platform is now able to connect users seamlessly to key programs and services, provided by their employer, health plan or health system, that help improve health outcomes for those with chronic or acute illnesses and conditions. These programs include, smoking cessation, diabetes management, telehealth, weight loss, pain management, etc.
By seamlessly facilitating the enrollment of individuals into appropriate programs which are applicable to their specific condition and needs, the Return to Health solution drives increased enrollment and utilization of these programs leading to better healthcare and improved outcomes.
“Our clients are excited about the ability to increase the adoption of these key programs in a meaningful way through a more streamlined process. We believe that providing comprehensive and accurate information about applicable treatments, as well as the ability to enroll in programs directly through the platform, will lead to more individual participation and better overall health.” Max Kahn, WiserTogether CEO
Key components of the Return to Health® platform that help drive enrollment in wellness and treatment programs:
- Provides a consumer-friendly interface, available on any platform with native mobile apps and a cloud-based web design.
- Guides users to the most effective treatments, categorizing them into “Best”, “Good” and “Poor” categories based on the condition identified and specific attributes of the patient.
- Analyzes information on the users condition, treatment options and answers to key questions about their health to align users with appropriate programs and to facilitate easy enrollment in applicable programs.
Return to Health Platform Drives Adoption of Health and Wellness Programs https://t.co/3mHS7U4fLe via @WiserTogether #employeewellness #wellnessprograms
— WiserTogether (@WiserTogether) April 17, 2018
About WiserTogether
WiserTogether is a leader in consumer-focused healthcare information technology solutions that advance clinical outcomes, financial and patient satisfaction results. Our innovative solutions enable consumers to circumvent the immense amount of data on the internet and in the market and effectively guide individuals to the best treatment options for them.