What is Voice Marketing?
March Virtual HITMC Event
I had the great pleasure of giving a recent 10-minute Ted Talk-style presentation at the March Healthcare IT Marketing & PR Conference. Voice marketing is becoming a critical component for marketers and is loosely defined as using strategies and tactics to reach a target audience through voice-enabled digital devices, and specifically smartphones and smart speakers.
In a nutshell, voice marketing is this practical issue we as marketers face of moving content conveyed in text on a webpage, a blog post, and so on, to the spoken word or sound. You, your company, your brand, your messaging—all need to be harmonized to create an audio identity that strikes a chord with your intended audience.
On the talk I discuss:
- Some recent stats on voice-enabled technology uses
- Review the 3 primary components of voice marketing
- Share some stories from marketers who have successfully embraced aspects of voice marketing into their marketing playbooks
If you’re interested in learning more about voice marketing, and specifically audio content in the form of podcasts, connect with me on LinkedIn or complete this contact form.