The Friday Five – US National Health IT Week
Follow and join the conversation with #NHITWeek, #IHeartHIT, #HITWorks and #GovHIT.
This week’s Friday Five highlights U.S. National Health IT Week, a nationwide action week focused on catalyzing change within the U.S. health system through the application of information and technology. U.S. National Health IT Week takes place next week, September 23-27, 2019.
Your Social Media Guide to U.S. National Health IT Week #NHITweek
During U.S. National Health IT Week, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks pulse with inspiring stories, policymaker activation, insight into the state of health technology and a collective unity in the understanding that technology can enrich our lives. This social media guide from HIMSS will help you master the social space and ensure you make an impact during U.S. National Health IT Week.
This guide will help you master the social space and ensure you make an impact during #NHITweek, which begins September 23!
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 14, 2019
#HITsm Chat Topic – #HITsm celebrates #NHITWeek
This week’s #HITsm chat happening today, Friday, 9/20 at Noon ET (9 AM PT) will be hosted by Ashley Dauwer @amariedauwer on the topic “#HITsm celebrates #NHITWeek”. Be sure to read her blog post and preview the questions for today’s chat.
I’m so excited to be hosting this Friday’s #HITsm chat focused on YOU!
Read my blog here.
Hope you can join us!#HITMC #IHeartHIT #NHITweek #hcldr
— Ashley Dauwer (@amariedauwer) September 18, 2019
Twitter Chat with ONC’s Steve Posnack
#NHITWeek is coming up, and @HealthIT_Policy wants to chat with you! Join us for a twitter chat on 9/25 at 2 PM ET. #HealthIT
— ONC (@ONC_HealthIT) September 16, 2019
#IHeartHIT stories
#IHeartHIT, HIMSS’ yearlong storytelling initiative, helps shine a light on the human side of health information and technology and the impact it can have on the health and wellness of every person, everywhere. Stories are meant to be personal, authentic health experiences from patients, care-givers, and family members where information and technology has made a difference for all those involved. Read stories for inspiration, and consider sharing yours.
Stories have the power to humanize health information and technology, and your #IHeartHIT stories inspire us to continue to innovate. #NHITweek
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 17, 2019
National Health IT Week Events
Check out the entire list of regional and virtual events happening during Health IT Week.
#NHITweek is only ONE WEEK away! Join the celebration through regional and virtual events with peers:
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) September 16, 2019
ICYMI – Our other Friday Fives and Blog posts from HCNR’s Nurse Lauren.