It seems like everywhere you turn experts and thought leaders are predicting the future of healthcare and health IT. Luckily, we here at Healthcare NOW Radio have our very own gurus who took time to share their thoughts on what’s to come in 2023.
From our host of Healthcare de Jure – Matt Fisher. When he is not practicing law, interviewing someone on his radio show. or parenting, he is penning thoughtful posts on healthcare. ICYMI we have you covered.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from 1st Talk Compliance, FINN Voices, Harlow on Healthcare, and Healthcare de Jure.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from The Scope with Dr. K, The Virtual Shift, Healthcare de Jure, Harlow on Healthcare, This Just In, Healthcare Upside/Down, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from FINN Voices, Payment Matters, Harlow on Healthcare, Healthcare de Jure, and 1st Talk Compliance.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from FINN Voices, Healthcare de Jure, The Incremnetalist, Healthcare Upside/Down, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
From our host of Healthcare de Jure – Matt Fisher. When he is not practicing law, interviewing someone on his radio show. or parenting, he is penning thoughtful posts on healthcare. ICYMI we have you covered.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Healthcare de Jure, The Tate Chronicles, Healthcare Upside/Down, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Payment Matters, Healthcare de Jure, Overrated & Underused, Value-Based Care Insights, The Virtual Shift, This Just In, The Tate Chronicles, Healthcare Upside/Down, Conversations on Health Care, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Harlow on Healthcare, The Virtual Shift, Healthcare Upside/Down, Healthcare de Jure, Conversations on Health Care, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Harlow on Healthcare, Healthcare de Jure, This Just In, Healthcare Upside/Down, Conversations on Health Care, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from The Scope with Dr. K, Healthcare de Jure, Healthcare Upside/Down, Conversations on Health Care, The Incrementalist, and PopHealth Week.