The Friday Five – National Public Health Week
This week’s Friday Five celebrates National Public Health Week and recaps some of the information and events shared throughout the week.
This week’s Friday Five celebrates National Public Health Week and recaps some of the information and events shared throughout the week.
Healthcare Now Radio is currently using SoundCloud to house our shows’ archives and we’ve been tracking which episodes get the most listens. This week’s Friday Five lists the episodes played most often on our SoundCloud channel within the last three months.
Tweet Chats are a great way to stay up to date and informed about the latest industry trends and topics. This week’s Friday Five highlights an assortment of those chats some of which you can join as soon as next week.
Patient Safety Awareness Week is an annual recognition event intended to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety. This week’s Friday Five rounds up some resources and events regarding patient safety.
Follow and join the conversation with #WorldKidneyDay World Kidney Day (@worldkidneyday) is a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the...
Innovation is all around us and when it comes to healthcare new and improved medical devices and technology are popping up every day. This week’s Friday Five gives an overview of some of the latest in innovative health tech.
This time last week, along with over 45,000 other attendees, we were wrapping up our adventures at HIMSS19. It was an eventful conference and this week’s Friday Five seeks to pull it all together to give you a glimpse into our week-long whirlwind.
This week’s Friday Five takes a look at some upcoming health IT events, conferences and summits and what they have to offer.
Alexa, play HealthcareNOW Radio! Don’t miss a minute of all the great shows on our internet radio station. Learn more on how to listen and Rediscover Radio!
February is American Heart Month. This week’s Friday Five provides readers with the latest heart statistics, information about the amazing heart and some things we all can start doing right this minute to take better care of it.
Every so often we compile some statistics, facts and figures to create infographics that report our findings. This week’s Friday Five highlights some of our infographics and shines a spotlight on the state of the nursing profession today, provides tips for NICU nurses and offers some ways to stay healthy.
The HIMSS19 Global Conference & Exhibition is just around the corner. This week’s Friday Five highlights some tips to help you plan for the conference, participate and follow the latest conference news and happenings using social media, and access what thought leaders and experts have to say before, during and after HIMSS19.
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