Health IT Product News Report January 2022
Health IT product news from Rainbow Health, Implicity, Lightbeam Health, Aktiia, IntelyCare, GPO Plus, AstraZeneca and more.
Health IT product news from Rainbow Health, Implicity, Lightbeam Health, Aktiia, IntelyCare, GPO Plus, AstraZeneca and more.
The pharmaceutical market plays a key role in how people get medications and what people pay for medication. At the intersection of healthcare, pharma, and technology, here are current news and announcements.
We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the pharmaceutical industry. News from APC Health, AstraZeneca, CCT Research, American Medical Association, CarePlus Health Plans, CareSource, LANES, American Screening, eTrueNorth and more.
We’ve rounded up some of the latest news and announcements pertaining to the coronavirus and the pharmaceutical industry. News from Moderna, Nitric Oxide Innovations, QuVa Pharma, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, The Doc, Apollo Medco, ThermoGenesis Holdings, Johnson and Johnson, FDA and more.
There is a lot of innovation and hard work going on in healthcare today. If you stop and look around once in a while you are sure to find companies reaching their goals and boasting new achievements. This week’s Friday Five highlights some of the milestones reached by a few organizations making strides in their sector.
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