NursesNOW Roundup October 2021
Looking to keep your finger on the pulse of the nursing industry? Check out this month’s top nursing news stories from around the globe.
The American Nurses Association joins the World Health Organization (WHO) and global colleagues in extending The Year of The Nurse into 2021. The goals of this campaign are to recognize nurses’ contributions from 2020, build on the increased visibility of nurses, encourage inclusivity and participation of all nurses, including nurse midwives, and continue to expand National Nurses Week to Nurses Month in May. Share your story with #YON2021 #YearOfTheNurse
Spotlight On
Intrapreneurial Spirit in Nursing and Women in Health IT Webinar
Provided by: HIMSS New York Chapter
Date: November 9 at 1:00 pm
Description: This conference will highlight innovative ways of transforming nursing work, mentoring and providing nurses with viable paths to spur nurse-led innovation within the healthcare ecosystem. It will also examine the use of clinical communication integrations.
Register here
NEW EVENT: Intrapreneurial Spirit in Nursing and Women in Health IT
Date and Time: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
Event Registration Link:
— HIMSS New York State Chapter (@HIMSSNYS) October 27, 2021
To Listen
HealthcareNOW Radio Nurses Playlist
Check out our recently compiled playlist of episodes across our HealthcareNOW Radio network that feature nurses.
In the News
The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the premier organization representing the interests of the nation’s 4 million registered nurses. ANA is at the forefront of improving the quality of health care for all. Founded in 1896, and with members in all 50 states and U.S. territories, ANA is the strongest voice for the profession. Follow them on Twitter @ANANursingWorld
NEW SURVEY DATA: Thousands of Nurses are Still Stressed, Frustrated, and Overwhelmed Almost 2 Years into the Pandemic
The American Nurses Foundation (the Foundation) released findings from a new mental health and wellness survey of more than 9,500 nurses as part of the Pulse on the Nation’s Nurses Survey Series. As the pandemic approaches the 2-year mark, nurses report they are still experiencing negative impacts of COVID-19 on their mental health and well-being, and the adverse side effects have increased significantly over the past year. Full press release here.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
AACN is the national voice for academic nursing. AACN works to establish quality standards for nursing education; assists schools in implementing those standards; influences the nursing profession to improve health care; and promotes public support for professional nursing education, research, and practice. Follow them on Twitter @AACNursing.
National Call to Action for Nurse Faculty Recognition
With the number of nurse educators in shorty supply, recognition of extraordinary nursing faculty continues to be more important than ever. The DAISY Foundation™ in partnership with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the National League for Nursing (NLN), the Organization of Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) and joining this year, Sigma, are once again issuing a call to action for schools of nursing to recognize and celebrate their nursing faculty as role models in compassionate nursing practice. Full press release here.
American Academy of Nursing
The American Academy of Nursing serves the public and the nursing profession by advancing health policy, practice, and science through organizational excellence and effective nursing leadership. The Academy and its members more than 2,700 members, known as Fellows, create and execute knowledge-driving and policy-related initiates to drive reform of America’s health system.. Follow them on Twitter @AAN_Nursing
Congratulations to Dr. Kenneth R. White, the first man elected president of @AAN_Nursing. He will focus on strengthening the organization’s commitment to advancing health equity through nursing leadership, innovation, and science during his 2-year term.
— MGH Institute (@MGHInstitute) October 20, 2021
Academy Medical-Surgical Nurses
With 12,000+ members strong, the AMSN is the only specialty nursing organization dedicated to the practice of medical-surgical nursing. Our mission is to promote excellence in medical-surgical nursing. Follow them on Twitter @MedSurgNurses
That’s a Wrap: An Exceptional 30th Convention!
What an absolutely wonderful convention. We had informative and engaging educational content, fantastic conversations and connection in the convention platform, and some community fun at our 30th anniversary painting party on Saturday evening. Some of the highlights included Terry Foster’s funny opening “COVID Power Talk,” where we all acknowledged the difficulties encountered during the pandemic – but also how to cope using humor, positivity, and healthy attitudes. Read more about the AMSN’s Second Fully Virtual Convention here.
American Organization for Nurse Leadership
As the national professional organization of more than 10,000 nurse leaders, the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) is the voice of nursing leadership. Previously known as the American Organization for Nurse Executives (AONE), the organization changed its name in 2019 to better align with its core mission to shape health care through innovative and expert nursing leadership and vision of nursing leadership—one voice advancing health. Follow them on Twitter @tweetAONL
The pandemic has left a toll on the nursing workforce and an incredible strain on hospitals and health systems. Join @tweetAONL and #NurseLeaders in telling Congress nurses and health care workers need help now. Take action today >>>
— AONL (@tweetAONL) October 9, 2021
National Association of Neonatal Nurses
NANN is a community of registered nursing professionals at all stages of their careers who care for newborn infants born with a variety of health challenges, including prematurity, birth defects, infection, cardiac malformations, and surgical problems. For more than 30 years, NANN has supported its members and advanced the profession by providing opportunities for members to influence care for neonates and their families, collaborate with leaders and peers in their field, and gain knowledge to improve their daily practice. Follow them on Twitter @NeonatalNurses.
New Position Statement: RN Staffing in the NICU
NANN addresses the nurse staffing crisis in an updated position statement. The position statement, titled RN Staffing in the NICU, provides key staffing guidelines for safe and effective neonatal nursing care. View the full position statement.
To Read
HealthcareNOW Radio’s Nurse Lauren
Nurse Lauren is HealthcareNOW Radio’s content contributor for NursesNOW. Her passion for pediatrics led her to become a newborn/infant ICU nurse at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where she worked for nine years. She currently works in the Infant Intensive Care Nursery at Temple Health. (@TempleHealth) Nurse Lauren, RN, is an avid gym goer and health advocate who enjoys improving the well-being of others through fitness and nutrition. She is a proud graduate of Drexel University’s College of Nursing and Health Professions (@DrexelCNHP) and Choate Rosemary Hall (@goChoate.) Check out her blog posts and Wellness Wednesday tips.
Events to Attend
Mobilize and Strategize: Implementing DEI in Academic Nursing | Virtual
Provided by: AACN
Date: November 9 – 10, 2021
Description: Individuals with an interest and focus on advancing diversity and creating more inclusive learning environments should attend this symposium. Inclusive excellence embodies both quality and diversity. Emphasis is being placed on the need for assessing and carrying out a comprehensive process for preparing a more diverse nursing workforce to provide high-quality care, which is critical to addressing healthcare disparities and health inequities.
Register here
Follow: @AACNursing
Registration Now Open – @AAN_Nursing #PolicyDialogue, “Advancing Policies to Support Family Caregivers,” happening Nov. 17th from 12-1:30 PM ET, hosted by the Expert Panel on #Aging. Learn more:
— American Academy of Nursing (@AAN_Nursing) October 26, 2021