This Just In Guests Tell Us What Inspires Them
Each week, Justin Barnes, aka the @HITAdvisor, hosts his 30-minute informative radio program, This Just In, during which Justin and his guests shed light on the latest trends, strategy and innovations impacting healthcare, technology and even entrepreneurialism in America. Whether it’s healthcare, health IT, strategy, or the “next big thing,” if a topic is trending, Justin is sure to be talking about it with his broad circle of peers. As has become his custom, at the end of his interviews Justin asks his guests where their favorite place is to get or be inspired. Below are a few guest responses.
One of Justin’s return guests, Greg Fulton (@gfulton) of Wellcentive (@Wellcentive), is an avid reader who spent a lot of time and money in bookstores. That is until he discovered the virtues of the public library. Greg now visits his local library often and there finds all sorts of inspiration. He encourages others to just go and spend thirty minutes in a public library to begin to take advantage of all it has to offer.
Baha Zeiden, Justin’s good friend, successful entrepreneur and co-founder of Azalea Health (@AzaleaHealth) likes quick inspiration. Baha enjoys listening to other entrepreneurs, scientists, leaders, and innovators during 18 minute Ted Talks. He also reads Harvard Business Review articles which he says provide him an ocean of knowledge and keep him up to date on the latest news.
Industry colleague and healthcare strategist, Rama Juturu (Rama on Healthcare), who is known for his ability to highlight programs, opportunities, and shifts in healthcare sometimes before they happen, shared his favorite place for inspiration – the internet. Rama enjoys reading and sharing healthcare news articles. He says the content on the internet keeps him busy and inspired. He believes the healthcare industry is “ripe for disruptive transformation” and he looks forward to using these changes to help the community for years to come.
Like what you’ve read? To hear Justin’s interviews with each of these guests in their entirety, listen to Greg Fulton on demand, Baha Zeidan on demand, and Rama Juturu on demand in the archives library. You can also catch Justin’s show, This Just In, weekdays at 2:30 pm Eastern Time or listen to the archives and hear Justin’s interviews with other guests.