From the Desk of Matt Fisher – ICYMI
By Matt Fisher, Esq
Twitter: @matt_r_fisher
Host of Healthcare de Jure – #HCdeJure
Tune in weekdays at 2pm, 10pm or 6am ET as Matt serves up the hottest healthcare issues of the day, all from a legal point of view. From public policies and Federal initiatives to privacy and security, join host Matt R. Fisher as he and his guests discuss a smorgasbord of topics, giving hospitals, physicians, vendors and patients a seat at the table. Matt’s virtual conversations can be listened to on demand or heard on air. So don’t miss a minute of what’s on the menu.
ICYMI, read the latest of Matt’s blogs. And don’t forget to join the conversation with Matt on #HCdeJure.
Where Do Our Data Go?
Mobile applications in the health and wellness field represent an ever growing segment of the mobile application market. Interest in such apps is high as individuals seek to improve their own health and the availability of consumer wearable devices also becomes more common. In all of these instances, ever growing amounts of data are being generated. What is happening to all of that data? The response may surprise some, but really should not be all that unexpected. Continue reading on HealthIT Answers.
RPM: Expanding Opportunities
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a form of telehealth receiving increasing attention and focus as a means of improving overall patient health and engagement. As a starting point though, what is remote patient monitoring? RPM is often defined as the remote collection and transmission of patient data for analysis and evaluation by a care team, which data is used to develop and manage a treatment plan connected to a chronic and/or acute condition. Continue reading on HealthIT Answers.
Moving Forward Together: Addressing Health Equity
Inequalities and disparities exist throughout society and industries, an issue that has become ever more apparent and spotlighted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on healthcare, the inequities are impacting non-white patient populations and with each report found to exist across what appears to be every aspect of healthcare. Continue reading on HealthIT Answers.
Opening the Doors: Access to Records
With the federal information blocking regulation now in full effect many prior hurdles that individuals faced in accessing their own medical records have been removed or reduced. Individuals can more readily request that records be sent to applications of their choosing or just get to their records in other ways. The access rights of individuals and obligations for organizations under the information blocking regulation supplement and exist alongside the right of access that has long existed under HIPAA. Continue reading on HealthIT Answers.
Definitions Matter: Sorting out Virtual Care, Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring, and the Rest
Terms that emerge together in healthcare can often be thrown around interchangeably without fully appreciating the differences and nuances between each of the terms. Equating concepts in this way (consider electronic medical record and electronic health record, they are different) leads to confusion inside and outside of the industry. Telehealth, and its many subcategories, is the latest to join the confusion pantheon. Continue reading on HealthIT Answers.
Listen in on one of Matt’s Healthcare de Jure episodes.