Following the #PinkSocks Tribe
It all started after his inaugural trip to Burning Man, (Do yourself a favor and google it!), in 2010. For one week every year, Burning Man becomes “Black Rock City” the 5th largest city in the state of Nevada. The city is self governed by 10 principles. Nick Adkins (@nickisnpdx) took to heart the principle of “Gifting” when he returned to his “real life” and that’s where the pink socks phenomenon began. On a business trip to San Francisco, Nick met Shlomo, gave him a new pair of fun socks and was reminded of the wonderful feeling and connection that comes from gifting. Following the Shlomo feel good experience, Nick went to HIMSS15 and brought with him a sack full of pink mustache socks to gift. The rest, as they say is history and pink socks have continued to spread around the world ever since. Check out our compilation of uplifting, inspiring #pinksocks tweets from conferences and various locations around the world. Also, #ICYMI listen to Matt Fisher’s interview with Nick on Healthcare De Jure.