Expanding the Value of Health IT, Transforming Health, National Health IT Week Kicks Off Today!
Thought leaders from the nation’s most renowned and progressive healthcare organizations will come together this week during NHIT Week to raise awareness and assemble key healthcare constituents to elevate the necessity of advancing health through the best use of information technology.
Read the full message from President Obama.
Throughout the week from Sept. 26-30, events will be held across the country.
- View a detailed schedule of events and look for a daily agenda during the week.
- Find out how health IT transforms lives with these personal stories.
The Student Challenge – New to NHIT Week: Culminating with a grand prize of $1,000 and a travel stipend to HIMSS17, the Student Challenge asks students from health policy, informatics, public policy, computer science, public health or other related academic programs across the country to devise and implement innovative advocacy activities focused on advancing public health IT awareness in their state or region.
Make Your Voice Heard – Virtual March on the States: Join with others across the country and contact elected state officials using the letter highlighting steps states can take to realize the full potential of telehealth and other innovative technologies for better patient care.
NHIT Week Supporters: Finally, NHIT Week is fueled by the hundreds of non-profits, universities, associations, hospitals, providers, state HIMSS chapters, and corporations.
- Review the list of supporters that are part of NHIT Week.